This page is for subsidised booking requests.
If you intend to host a session at George Green’s School which will significantly benefit the local community, you may apply for a Community Discount.
There are only a few specific slots each week which are eligible for this discount. Each application is assessed by the schools Senior Leadership Team per academic term on a case-by-case basis with usually a 40%-50% discount given to eligible applications.

If approved, the discount will apply for one academic term only. Applicants will be encouraged to reapply for the following term before deadline**, there is however no guarantee that the discount and same slot will be awarded.

For general enquiries please email
For general adult block-bookings please click here:   Register-Interest-Form
For hire of the facility for events, parties or shows please click here:   Event-Hire-Form

Application for Subsidised Bookings

Status of Application

I wish to apply for a subsidised community discount on the 7-a-side MUGA

I wish to apply for a subsidised community discount on the 9-a-side 3G

I wish to apply for a subsidised community discount in the Sports Hall

Age range of group

I am applying for the following academic term**

Preferred payment schedule

Reasons why this booking will significantly benefit the community

Lettings Policy and Terms & Conditions

2 + 6 =

*Junior sessions also require additional registration, see
**Deadline for the following term is 2 weeks prior to the academic holiday (i.e. 2 weeks before the Christmas, Easter & Summer holidays)


Don’t forget you will also need to create an account with us.

There are only 2 steps
1. Register an email address click here
2. Edit your address so it matches your actual billing address click here
Please ensure that your inputted address matches your current billing address, as our AVS will not allow a booking/payment to be made without the correct matching information.

What do we do with your data? Read our Privacy Policy here