This page is for registering youth organisations.
For general enquiries please email
For hire of the facility for events, parties or shows please click here:   Event-Hire-Form


Register Youth Sessions

With our commitment for KCSIE, the school requires all youth organisations to register with the school providing all information required before we can accept casual / block-booking. After completing the digital form below, the school will request the following:

  • Read fully the following document:  Safeguarding Guidance for Providers After-school Clubs, Community activities, and tuition
  • Electronically submit Public Liability Insurance certificate for named club.
  • Electronically submit Safeguarding Policy for named club.
  • Electronically submit the most recent* DBS for the  Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL – the Main point of contact who has been trained to deal with safeguarding issues)
  • Electronically submit the DSL certificates / qualification for the named DSL
  • Electronically submit the most recent* DBS for the two main Coaches/Tutors onsite (one can be the DSL).
        *less than 3 years
  • Submit in-person the original DBS from above. ID may be required to verify identities for names on DBS. To be scanned by staff and returned immediately. Scanned copies kept in the schools Single Central Record (SCR).


I'm interested in the following space

Preferred Day(s)

Preferred Time(s) - Weekday Evenings

Preferred Time(s) - Weekend

Preferred payment schedule

Age range of group

Safeguarding guidance for providers

Lettings Policy and Terms & Conditions

13 + 8 =


Don’t forget you will also need to create an account with us.

There are only 2 steps
1. Register an email address click here
2. Edit your address so it matches your actual billing address click here
Please ensure that your inputted address matches your current billing address, as our AVS will not allow a booking/payment to be made without the correct matching information.

What do we do with your data? Read our Privacy Policy here